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Why Cancer and Why Now?

I don't think I know one person who has not been touched by cancer. It seems out of control. Why?

At this time in our world human beings have more power than they have ever had. We can destroy the world or re-create it.

I believe cancer is a wake up call. It calls those who accept its challenge to take their power. There are several ways this can happen. The responder can decide to live and do so. The responder can decide to die and so well, or not so well. The responder can abdicate their power and let others be "responsible" (read the medical community). I do not think the destination is half as important as the journey.

Here are some stories to make the above clear: I had a wonderful friend who had the same cancer I overcame. We talked and she agreed to add my alternative methods to her chemo regimen. Her parents, however, did not agree with the alternative methods and she made a decision to die, as her family was more important than having her own way. That was a good death! She was so clear and joyous right up to the end.

Another friend listened only to her medical providers. She was not interested in exploring "out of the box" thinking, even as her treatment became less and less effective. She gave up hope and came to terms with her death. She said her good byes and died. A good death? Perhaps, but she missed her call in this life, her opportunity to test herself and expand her boundaries by being a passive believer in others wisdom about her path.

This is a time of change. Many cancer patients speak about the love that surrounds them. This seems to be a special experience of this disease. I believe that this love is gratitude and appreciation by others, human and spirit for the willingness of the responder to undertake massive task we've set ourselves. If the species is to survive, we must accept not only our power, but our responsibility. What better first step than taking your own power and your own responsibility for your own health. This is a heroes journey, no question!

Power. Power over, power with? Power to act, power not to act. Power to serve self and the power to serve others, power with integrity or power without integrity. How will the human species use power? How will we learn to use our power effectively? How will we actually recognize that we DO have power? How about healing your self? How about having the courage and trust to follow your own path? Cancer is a fine teacher!

Cancer calls you to stand in the light and be who you truly are. Not everyone who hears the call is successful, but so many people are becoming cancer victors because they accepted the challenge. Winners may live or die, what matters, is that they looked into their own heart and saw their true magnificence.

Our planet and our species are in crisis. We will not emerge fro this test the same as we were when it started. We will be victorious because we've changed, because we've grown as individuals in ways that help the species evolve. It will be because we have gotten our integrity back and given up on the self-indulgent, short sighted, separatist approach to life we've lived for millennia. We will have finally become adults.

No one wastes anything on this planet, but us. Our incredible lack of respect, reverence and relationship for the intricate dynamic balance that ensures life on this planet is shocking! I do not believe for a minute that a part of each of us is not ashamed and angry with our behavior and what we are doing to this planet and the life on it. To heal we must forgive ourselves, but we cannot do that in integrity is we do not also change our behavior to be in integrity with all life in our world.

Those who respond to cancer's call must get clear if they want to live. Dying is what happens if you don't choose life. You do not have to choose to dies, you just have to decline life, decline the fullness of who you are. You can do that by not being worthy, by not feeling appreciated, by not feeling others care - thee are tons of ways to deny life and in so doing silently wish to be "somewhere" else. When you can see yourself with respect and reverence, when you can stop those slow drip, drip thoughts, then you can see others the same way. By seeing who you really truly are and accepting it, you will be free to make any decision that is in integrity with that understanding. Death is NO the worst thing. The walking dead are far worse. We all will leave this world at some point, there's no escape, so dying is not the issue. We are all born on to this planet so simply living is not the issue. The quality of the space between them, the recognition of the magnificence of our own expression while alive - that is the issue.

Cancer is a wake up call. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I learned so much, including one of the major ways I say "no" to life. I learned that people love - people love to love - it's inherent on our DNA. They look for opportunities to give, but reciprocity requires that there is a receiver for that love to flow. I learned how to receive love. I learned I had a choice, but I had to trust - absolutely, no doubts, no quavering, no coyness, no helplessness. Who would miss such an experience?

One of the keys to a life well lived is a deep understanding of appropriateness. We make rules and those rules become barriers to the responsiveness that life requires. There is no one way - how boring - there is only your way for you, just as I found my way for me. Integrity is a clue, so is joy. The "rule" to grasp is to hang on to those two experiences at every opportunity - they will never steer you wrong, no matter how weird, strange, uncomfortable or counter intuitive things may seem to be! Go deep - seek truth - test it, trust it.

Explore, play, take things lightly - what do you have to lose? Courage is only the willingness to face reality.

Be here NOW is all about reality, Beginners mind/no mind is all about reality. Abraham-Hicks admonition to manage your thought and your emotions, to align your vibration with your desires is all about reality. The illusion is that you are powerless the reality is that the world is love - that is the reality!

Illusions. Many of us have heard that the world is really an illusion. I had an insight into that not long ago. It's not world itself that's the issue (though science says that everything is frequency and that that solid table is all emptiness and moving particles), the issue for us is the illusions we carry in our minds.. It is our thinking, our beliefs that are the illusions that we must rid ourselves of. Our great work is to see the world for the first time - free from the illusions that have trapped us for millennia.

The call of cancer is a wake up call because it tests our illusions. Who are we, what are we hear, what do we want, does killing the body heal it, do people really care, am I important, on and on it goes. Cancer asks that we sift through our illusions and if we choose life, we need to discard many of them. The most important of them have to do with who we think we are - the stories we tell ourselves about why we do what we do, why we don't do what we think we should and what we really want. We cannot fool ourselves! Cancer holds our feet to the fire and demands that we examine our life and choose life - even if we die. Cancer is a hard taskmaster and it can't be fooled, cajoled or tricked. If the illusions are not removed completely it can return.

Is cancer the only path to deeper self-understanding? Of course not, however it is immediate, relentless and it gets your attention. The fearfulness of hearing cancers call is rewarded with love, gratitude, appreciation and support beyond measure because it is a warriors path. Answering the call is evidence of a deep caring for self and planet. It is saying "yes" to being willing to see reality and lead humanity into a brave new world.

The process can be sped up and strengthened by friends, family and caregivers who empower the responders. Listening, questioning, sharing reality with love and understanding and confronting your own needs, fears and beliefs all help responders find their way. They do not need to be "protected" or "taken care of," they need to be seen as the leaders they are. Empowered to explore a new listening of their heart. They are NOT victims - they are travelers on a new and profound path. They are leading the way for all humanity!


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