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What Is Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine (colon), the lower part of your digestive system. About 112,000 people are diagnosed with this type of cancer annually in the United States of America. This data was released by the American Cancer Society. Most new cases of colon cancer begin with small cell clumps. They are called Adenomatous Polyps. Over time some of these clumps develop into dangerous cancer cells. In general, cancer occurs when healthy body cells turn into "enemies" inside your own body. A patient will not see any early symptoms before the actual cancer cells have developed. One reason why early pre-screening examinations provide the best protection from colon cancer to develop into the dangerous illness it can be. Common signs of colon cancer include (but are not limited to) changes in bowel habits, blood in a patients stool, recurring cramping, gas, bloating or even abdominal pain. Blood in your stool may be an early sign of cancer, but it can also indicate other conditions like hemorrhoids or minor tears in your anal area. Recurring blood found in your stool should trigger a visit to your primary care physician as a precaution (rather safe than sorry).

Risk factors that might may increase your risk of becoming sick with colon cancer. Age is a large risk factor. The typical patient is 50 years or older in age. A family history of cancer, especially colon cancer could indicate that you have a higher risk of becoming sick. Long-standing inflammatory diseases of the colon can put you at higher risk of colon cancer. Colon cancer may be associated with a bad diet that is low in fiber and very high in fat and calories (Junk Food). Scientists have not fully agreed on this last item, but in general a diet that contains a lot of Junk Food (Burgers, Fries, Fried Food in general, etc.) is high in bad fats which has already shown to affect a patient's health in a very negative way. If you are more of couch potato and less the active guy or gal, you might have a higher risk of getting colon cancer. Diabetics also face a possible higher risk of colon cancer. This list can be expanded easily by adding obesity, large alcohol consumption and smoking. Just keep in mind that these are just pieces that can increase the risk of getting colon cancer. It does not mean that smoking (just to mention an example) will cause colon cancer. You would probably die of lung cancer first.

If you notice any easy to spot symptoms of colon cancer, such as blood in your stool or a persistent, recurring change in your bowel habits, visit your primary care physician as soon as possible and talk about the possibility of colon cancer. Also consider pre-screening as an option if colon cancer has a family history.

Conclusion: Colon cancer is no fun to have. It is a real risk and any suspicion of experiencing colon cancer should be treated accordingly by visiting your doctor. A healthy lifestyle with regular exercise will help not only to reduce the risk of cancer, but also to prevent many other diseases. Your doctor and your health insurance can help you to develop a diet that is not only healthy, but tastes good as well.


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