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Sun Damaged Skin

We've all experienced the pain and damage of a sun burn. It doesn't matter how many times the media explains the risks and the need for UV coverage, a substantial number of people turn a deaf ear and head out into the hot afternoon sun. The result is seriously sun damaged skin and in severe cases even skin cancer. That bronze glow that tanning achieves is short lived. After several years of that kind of abuse the skin becomes leathery and can break out in brown spots. When the sun has virtually sucked your skin dry, no amounts of moisturizer in the world will be able to reverse the effect.

There are many different options available both through prescription and drugstore purchase. These are typically creams and lotions that claim to thicken the skin to rejuvenate a youthful glow. Studies have proven some of these products to work relatively well over time. It's a low cost alternative to some therapies but will probably work better on those with minor sun damage as opposed to those with extreme cases. Some may opt for other alternatives such as chemical peels which has been known to have both positive and negative outcomes for patients. Now that laser is an option more sun loving folks have yet another method for fighting the harsh effects of the sun's rays.

The use of a laser on sun damaged skin is a nice option because it causes less damage during and after the process than some methods. Less damage means much faster healing and in this chaotic world of work and bills, nobody has time to wait around to recover. Over the years since the use of lasers has grown and advanced, different types of lasers have come into play. If this is of importance to you then don't hesitate to ask for an explanation from your practitioner or dermatologist. They can explain the differences between each one and how they work.

The treatments are not cheap and will run hundreds, potentially thousands of dollars depending on how damaged the skin is and how much of it needs to be attended to. Very minor cases of sun damage may need as little as one fifteen minute treatment. That isn't likely for most patients though. Regular tanning or working outdoors can really add up over the years. Unfortunately in many cases insurance companies will not cover laser surgery because it is considered cosmetic. Before you assume though take a moment to consult with your insurance broker and see if you have any options.

There are many benefits to using laser therapy to treat damage caused by the harsh sun. Minimal recovery time allows you to keep working and going about your daily life. It's wise to speak with your dermatologist about skin health and the preventative measures that can be taken to avoid sun damage. It's never too late to start taking better care of your precious skin. Get informed and always be aware of the options available to you in regards to all forms of skin treatments.


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