Introduction to Mesothelioma Disease
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that can be malignant or benign, the type of malignant type is very dangerous and can kill in most cases. Scientists can classify the types of mesothelioma cancer, according to the location of the tumors as follows.
Pleural type, in such tumors are being developed pleural. The pleura is the most outer membrane surrounding the lungs and protections functions. Pleural type is the most famous type and most cases are diagnosed as Pleural mesothelioma.
Peritoneal type, in this case, the tumors will be developed in the Peritoneum. The Peritoneum is the outer membrane around the internal organs of the abdomen and the protection and movement functions. It is less common type, but it is even more dangerous that the Pleural type.
Pericardial type, in this case, the tumors will be developed in the Pericardium. The pericardium is the outer pocket of the heart and major arteries. Pericardium is a restraint on our hearts and mesothelioma cancer in these systems is very deadly.
The treatment of mesothelioma options may be one of these options. The first option is surgery when the doctors decided to remove the tumor and the tissue around it. The operation will be effective options, especially when they use the second option with it, I'm talking about the option that is fine assistant chemotherapy treatment.
The third option is the radiotherapy, some doctors will use radiation to kill the remaining cancer cells after surgery. Physicians can use the option to all three a powerful treatment for the mesothelioma.
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