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Flaming Cancers

Patient Profile

Early in 1996, I was diagnosed as having cervical cancer and underwent radiotherapy treatment in June. At my Christmas checkup that year, I was told that I was retaining fluid in the womb and that the cancer may not be cured.

In June 1997, whilst attending outpatients clinic to see what could be done, the fluid erupted and I discharged about a litre of blood. Until this happened, I had felt reasonably well, but within a couple of days of this haemorrhage I was an invalid, hardly able to drag myself around. I was told that cervical cancer does take you down quickly and I must attend outpatients every two months and the main concern was had I had any pain.

A friend asked if I was interested in alternative medicine, and put me in touch with a hypnotherapist and as I had absolutely nothing to lose, I said yes and made an appointment with Mr Benest in October. He asked how I saw my cancer, which to me appeared as a large black lump. He then showed me how to go into a trance-like state and visualise my cancer on a sheet of paper, and as I enjoy painting as a pastime, he suggested that I try to paint it to a nice healthy pink colour. I did this every day and finally had a plain sheet of paper.

After a little while, I noticed my jaundice was improving and my water was a better colour. In mid December last year, I was doing my visualisation and as the paper appeared, thinking I must try to colour the lump pink, a match appeared and set the paper on fire, which seemed strange.

When I attended the outpatients' clinic on the 6th February 1998, the doctor told me that he could not find my cancer, and although I do not yet feel my old self, I feel that I am getting there and I am convinced that the mind can help to heal the body if you will let it.

Name and address withheld.
Our most grateful thanks go to her for
allowing us to print her story

A Therapist Overview

Mrs X, who is in her seventies, came to see me in September 1997. She had previously received radiotherapy for cancer of the cervix. She was now receiving no treatment from her doctor and had been put in touch with the Hospice and Macmillan nurses. She told me that she was not ready to die yet and had declined to fill in the Social Security application form for immediate personal care as it required her to state that she had under six months to live.

After I had treated her by correcting her natural energy field I asked her how she visualised her cancer. She saw it as a black lump in her pelvis. Using hypnosis I helped her to visualise the cancer as pink healthy flesh and gave her the Relax & Let Go tape to use at home. I suggested she practise the visualisation daily.

At the end of October 1997 she informed me that the black lump had changed to grey with red spots in it. A month later she said she could now only "see" a sheet of blank white paper. Then a match appeared and set fire to the paper. I suggested that she check her inner vision weekly but not mentally put anything there.
In early January 1998 she attended hospital and her consultant said that now he could not find the cancer and he would like to see her in two month's time.

When she came to see me for a checkup I noticed a great improvement in her skin colour although she said she still did not have much energy. It is interesting to theorise how her inner mind was aware of the healing that was taking place in her body and what part it played in the healing process.


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