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Chemotherapy Nausea

It is true that chemotherapy is very effective cancer treatment but also it gives some side effects that may be for short period or may be permanent. Chemotherapy causes side effects such as omitting, hair loss, weight loss, mouth sores and nausea etc.

Most of them are curable or side effect may get mild after completing the chemotherapy treatment. Side effect depends on the type of chemotherapy and the quantity of drugs given to the patient. Nausea is the common side effect of chemotherapy and it is found in most of the patients.

Following are types of nausea -

  • Acute nausea - It is very fast developing nausea and is developed within few hours of chemotherapy.
  • Anticipatory nausea - It is caused by something related to the treatment like smell of alcohol or the view of medical uniform.
  • Delayed nausea - It may occur in more than 24 hours after taking chemotherapy. This is very common side effect and it is caused by receiving high doses of chemotherapy.
  • Nausea in advanced cancer - It is not exactly related to chemotherapy and it is also called as chronic. This nausea may be caused by taking drugs to relieve paining or depression or may be caused because of brain and colon tumor.

Nausea is totally controlled by brain and autonomic nerves, which controls involuntary bodily functions including breathing and heartbeat. There are also many other factors that can cause nausea. Nausea could occur in people under age of 50. Nausea could be cured or controlled by using combination of anti-nausea drugs and alternative therapies.

Most cancer patients receive anti-nausea drugs to prevent nausea. Anti-nausea drugs can be given orally or intravenously, may be single or in combination. Anti-nausea medicine is given before chemotherapy treatment and after treatment on scheduled basis for several hours or days. Your care giver or doctor decide duration and drugs depending on treatment that you are receiving.

There are some commonly used drugs for anti nausea medications are Ondansetron (Zofran), Granisetron (Anzemet), Dolasetron (Anzemet), Prochlorperazine, Haloperidol, Palonoserron (Aloxi), Metaclopramide (Reglan), Lorazepam etc. Nausea causes miserable feeling, distress and fatigue and unwilling to stick to your treatment schedule. You can also follow some other steps to reduce the risk of nausea like taking little quantity of meal, drinking lot of fluids, avoiding unpleasant smell, using techniques for relaxation and by making yourself comfortable.


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